By Leanna Lane Ferguson

The field of technical communication is both dynamic and diverse, providing a wide range of career opportunities. Technical communicators play a crucial role in making complex information understandable for any audience. The versatility of this field allows professionals to find their niche in various industries and pursue numerous career paths. In this post, we highlight four different careers that a degree in technical communication can prepare you for.

Technical Writer

Technical writers are the backbone of the technical communication field. They are responsible for creating clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation, such as user manuals, product guidelines, and online help systems. Technical writers work closely with subject matter experts to understand complex concepts and transform them into easily digestible content for a broad audience. They are in demand across industries like software development, healthcare, engineering, and manufacturing.

The field of technical writing is expected to experience a 7% increase in employment from 2022 to 2032, surpassing the average growth rate for all occupations. With a median annual wage of $79,960, technical writers are needed to translate complex information into accessible materials that make products and services easy to use.

UX / UI Design

User Experience (UX) Designers focus on understanding user needs and behaviors to create intuitive and seamless digital experiences. According to Springboard, they conduct user research, develop user personas, and design wireframes and prototypes that guide the overall design process. UX designers play a crucial role in ensuring that products and services are user-centric and meet the needs of their target audience. Every dollar invested in UX yields $100 in return with an ROI of 9,900%, highlighting the value that UX design brings to businesses.

User Interface (UI) Designers, on the other hand, concentrate on the visual aspects of digital interfaces. They work on layouts, typography, color schemes, and the overall aesthetics of a product's interface. UI designers aim to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that align with a brand's identity and the UX designer's user-centered principles. Studies have shown that 85% of people believe that color is the primary reason for purchasing a product. UI designers pay meticulous attention to layout, typography, and color schemes, aiming to establish a strong visual identity that aligns with brand values.

Content Strategist

Content strategists are responsible for planning, organizing, and managing content across various platforms. They develop strategies to align content with business goals, maintain consistency in messaging, and optimize content for search engines. Content strategists often work in marketing, digital agencies, and e-commerce to create engaging and cohesive content strategies that drive results. The credibility of a content strategist lies in their ability to align content efforts with overarching business objectives. Research shows that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing while generating about three times as many leads, making their role important for a business's bottom line.

As consumers are responding less to traditional marketing techniques, content strategists are essential in the shift to digital content. They analyze data, conduct market research, and leverage analytics tools to gain insights into what content resonates with target audiences. This understanding enables them to create and measure content that is not just relevant, but also engaging.

Proposal Writer

A proposal writer is a professional skilled in the art of persuasive writing. They are responsible for creating proposals that effectively communicate an organization's goals, capabilities, and value proposition to potential clients, partners, or funding agencies. Proposal writers play a crucial role in securing new business opportunities and driving organizational growth.

Discover Your Path

Technical communication is a dynamic and diverse landscape, offering a variety of exciting career paths for those willing to explore all it has to offer. Whether you have a passion for writing, a knack for design, a love for strategizing, or an aptitude for persuasion, there is a niche waiting for you in this field.

For students who want to join this dynamic field, the Technical Communication Department at the University of North Texas (UNT) offers an exceptional program. We provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in technical communication careers. With a dedicated faculty, resources, and a commitment to preparing you for the demands of the industry, our program is a fantastic place to embark on a fulfilling journey in technical communication.

Interested in learning more? Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook to stay updated on the latest industry trends, success stories, and opportunities. Join us at UNT's Technical Communication department and kickstart your career in this vibrant and ever-evolving field.