In the rapidly evolving landscape of academia and the corporate world, technical communicators find themselves at an exciting crossroads as artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes the field.

In a recent podcast appearance, Dr. Ryan Boettger, Professor and Chair of the Department of Technical Communication at the University of North Texas, delved into the intersection of AI and technical communication during an appearance on the Inside Tech Comm podcast.

Ryan stressed embracing AI tools and skills is crucial for career success: "If you don't know how to prompt the AI, if you don't have the terminology, if you don't understand structures, if you don't know what makes something persuasive, you're not going to get the output you want."

Key Takeaways

  • Embracing AI: Technical communicators should enthusiastically embrace the rise of AI tools and skills. Reskilling and upskilling will be crucial moving forward.
  • The Power of Prompt Engineering: Technical communicators can leverage their linguistic expertise to become prompt engineers, guiding AI systems to create accurate and contextually appropriate responses.
  • Persuasive Writing and Storytelling: Rhetorical principles and storytelling play a vital role in prompt engineering, enabling technical communicators to craft compelling narratives that AI cannot replicate.
  • Critical Thinking and Ethical AI: Technical communicators need to apply critical thinking skills and ethical frameworks when it comes to AI development and implementation, addressing concerns such as bias and inclusivity.
  • Collaboration and Future Directions: Collaborative efforts between academia, professional organizations, and industry are essential to address AI challenges and develop responsible and inclusive AI models. Technical communicators have a unique opportunity to lead in this area by fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and empathy.

Overview of the Podcast Episode

The podcast episode of Insite Tech Comm centered on the growing importance of AI in technical communication and its implications for academia and industry.

Ryan emphasized the significance of prompt engineering, a skill that allows technical communicators to guide AI systems' accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

He also highlighted the power of persuasive writing and storytelling in prompt engineering, where technical communicators can leverage their linguistic expertise to create compelling narratives.

The Role of Technical Communicators in the AI Era

AI is transforming the technical communication landscape, offering new opportunities and challenges. Technical communicators are no longer just document creators; they are becoming prompt engineers, harnessing AI tools to enhance communication effectiveness.

Clear and concise communication remains fundamental, but technical communicators must now also understand the intricacies of AI technology and the potential pitfalls associated with biased or exclusionary AI models.

Challenges and Opportunities for Academia and Industry

Historically, technical communication has struggled with funding and recognition within the academic sphere.

However, in the age of AI, technical communicators have a unique opportunity to lead in developing ethical and inclusive AI models.

Collaboration between academia, professional organizations, and the corporate world is crucial to tackling challenges such as bias and inclusivity in AI development and implementation.

By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and empathy, academia can equip technical communicators with the necessary skills to navigate the AI landscape.

Academic Initiatives and Future Directions

The Department of Technical Communication at the University of North Texas has taken proactive steps to address the AI revolution.

In addition to creating new courses focused on AI, Ryan and his faculty participate in a research cluster focused on AI-assisted editing tools, exploring their potential application from developmental editing to proofreading.

The department is also in the process of developing an AI acknowledgement statement, highlighting the responsible and ethical use of AI in technical communication.


  • Technical communications should embrace the rise of AI rather than fear it.
  • Reskilling and upskilling in AI technologies, such as learning Python, allow us to customize AI tools for specific needs.
  • The combination of critical thinking and rhetorical principles equips technical communicators with the ability to create compelling narratives that AI cannot replicate.
  • By leading in developing AI talent and standards, technical communicators can enhance their value and ensure that the future of technical communication remains human-centered and technologically advanced.
  • In this era of unprecedented change, technical communicators have the opportunity to shape the future by embracing the power of AI while retaining their unique human touch.
  • With an unwavering commitment to continuous learning and adaptability, technical communicators will not only thrive in the AI era but also contribute significantly to the evolution of the field.

Stay tuned to the Department of Technical Communication at the University of North Texas for further advancements and initiatives in exploring the intersection of AI and technical communication.

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Don't forget to listen to the full podcast episode of Inside Tech Comm.

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