Teaching Fellows

Graduate students meeting eligibility requirements have the opportunity to teach TECM 1700 and TECM 2700 undergraduate courses. Based on the schedule needs, Teaching Fellows may teach one or two courses per semester. Students who teach two courses are entitled to some UNT Benefits including non-resident tuition waivers, health benefits, and possibly in-state tuition rates. Learn more here.

Application Process
Submit a TF application packet to tcoffice@unt.edu. Preference is given to applications submitted before the end of the spring semester for teaching assignments the next fall semester, however, applications can be submitted year round, including over the summer.

TF application form and requirements

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate teaching assistants fulfill several duties, depending on the course and instructor to which they are assigned. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to: assisting the course instructor with class preparation and course materials (e.g., setting up equipment, maintaining course website, logging attendance, etc.), proctoring exams, assisting students in the TECM Lab outside of class time, leading discussion groups, and assisting course instructor with grading (e.g., homework, quizzes, lab reports).

Application Process
This is an hourly position available or renewed each semester based on performance. Applicants should have completed TECM 2700 with a minimum grade of "A," and maintain a semester and cumulative GPA of 3.0, and good standing with the University. Applications should be submitted through the Career Center Eagle Careers when the position is advertised.

TECM Tech Lab Assistants

The primary role of a lab assistant (tutor) is to provide quality customer service to the faculty and students of courses in the Department of Technical Communication at the University of North Texas. Under the supervision of the Student Lab Manager and Lab Supervisor, assistants provide software/hardware training orientations, tutoring for individuals/groups of students, space management and lab scheduling, and first response technical support with respect to course related documents, technologies, and printing solutions.

Lab assistants generally work an average of 15-20 hours a week where they gain experience with multiple software suites, specialized instructional equipment, enhanced presentation skills, and collaborate through professional team projects that serve their supportive role to the department.

Application Process
The department typically seeks candidates twice a year who would be able to start in each of the long semesters and attend mandatory training held prior to these terms. To apply, email a resume to Brad Davis, Instructional Lab Supervisor, at Brad.Davis@unt.edu. Preference will be given to applicants who are TECM majors and/or individuals who have previously taken courses in the department.