Welcome Back from the New Chair | Technical Communication
September 15, 2020

Welcome Back from the New Chair

Dear students,

My name is Jim Meernik and as the new chair of the Department of Technical Communication, I'd like to welcome you back to UNT this fall!

Though it is a new and different kind of academic year and even though we are missing many things about campus life, the faculty, staff, and I are excited to be teaching and seeing you again. Thanks to the wonderful work of Lab Supervisor Brad Davis in reconfiguring all of our classrooms we can offer in-person instruction and access to all of the technology you need. Because our faculty have extensive experience in teaching outstanding online courses, we can offer that option to students who prefer to learn remotely. It is our goal to not only offer you the best education, but to prepare you to enter the job market when you graduate.

We also know you are thinking about all that is happening around us. Many of you may be facing challenges in coming back to school, or juggling your home life and your work life. Please do let us know, or one of the many offices on campus (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/programs-and-services ) that assist students, know if you are experiencing challenges. Feel free to reach out to me (meernik@unt.edu); our undergraduate advisor, Oren Bruton (Oren.Bruton@unt.edu ) or one of our great staff members, Jenny Correa (Jeanette.Correa@unt.edu ). We are here for you!

Good luck and have a great semester!

Jim Meernik

Chair, Department of Technical Communication